Editorials Comments


Italian ceramics embarks on a grand tour of international trade fairs

A packed calendar of trade fair events in the first half of 2025 presents Italian companies with new opportunities to strengthen the global reputation of Made in Italy

Distretto ceramico Sassuolo nel 2005

The distinguishing factors of Italian ceramics

Over its six decades of industrial history, the sector has built up key strengths in terms of technology, sustainability, product innovation and international scope

From building claddings to furnishing accessories

Thanks to advanced production technologies and intrinsic qualities such as strength and non-absorbency, Italian ceramic products have expanded into high-value, fast-growing niches within the furniture sector and are now used to clad countertops, cupboards, tables and even doors

Italian ceramics make a major contribution to multifunctionality and urban regeneration

Social and environmental transformations require interventions that involve all stages of architecture and interior design, from conception through to material sourcing

Product innovation at the heart of Cersaie 2024

Now in its 41st edition, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings confirms itself as the privileged stage to discover the latest news and trends worldwide for the sectors it represents.

The international profile of Cersaie 2024

Exhibitors from 24 different countries will showcase the manufacturing excellence of their respective geographical regions, each bringing their own unique contributions in terms of aesthetics and design

Cersaie fully booked

The International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, set to take place in Bologna from 23 to 27 September, continues to host large numbers of high-quality exhibitors while introducing new spaces and content. All 15 halls are again fully booked this year, reflecting the event’s standing as the world’s premier showcase for ceramic tiles and bathroom furnishings.

MIC-Mostra Gio Ponti Ceramiche 1922-1967

The value of our history

Two exhibitions, one of late nineteenth century tiles held in Spezzano Castle and the other focusing on the work of Gio Ponti hosted in the MIC in Faenza, highlight the pioneering industrial nature and the aesthetic and functional versatility of Italian ceramic tiles

The importance of experiencing Italian ceramics first-hand

The need to gain hands-on experience can be considered a reaction to the ongoing process of global digitalisation, in the ceramic industry as elsewhere

The eight forms of sustainability of Italian ceramic tiles

Research and investments in raw materials, manufacturing technologies, product characteristics, uses and recycling are the key aspects that contribute to the sustainability of ceramic tiles

Reaching new heights with a fresh perspective

Italian ceramic tiles are popular for a number of reasons, including their exceptional quality, the wide range of available surfaces and adhesives, their suitability for complex projects, and the certified sustainability of products, processes and production facilities

Piazza a Spezzano (MO)

A key material in urban architecture

Aesthetic versatility, high technical performance and ease of cleaning make Italian ceramic tiles an ideal choice for designers working on outdoor urban projects

The contemporary relevance of Le Corbusier, a century on

A hundred years after the publication of “Vers une architecture”, Italian ceramic tile reaffirms its credentials as an ideal material for the construction industry all over the world

Inaugurazione Cersaie 2023

Cersaie, the significance of the record figures

The growth in interest and participation in Cersaie under highly diverse market conditions confirms the show’s countercyclical nature and its ability to attract exhibitors and visitors regardless of market dynamics

Mario Cucinella presents the “Ideal City” at Cersaie

The Italian Pavilion at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka offers a modern reinterpretation of the Renaissance principles of good building and good living. It will be presented at a meeting at 3 p.m. on Thursday 28 September in the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna

A glimpse into the future of ceramics

Route 40, an exhibition organised to mark the 40th anniversary of Cersaie, chronicles the decades-long history of ceramic surfaces and bathroom furnishings while also offering a vision of the future of an extraordinary material with almost unlimited opportunities and potential.

The creative side of Italian ceramics

There are five declinations of the flair of Italian ceramics: technology, aesthetics, customer relations, product uses, business organization.

Posa piastrelle di ceramica italiana

The importance of tile laying: in day-to-day work and at Cersaie

One of the major new features of this year’s 40th anniversary edition of the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings will be the presence of a special exhibition area where six young Italian and non-Italian tile layers will take on the challenge of creating a series of decorative ceramic surfaces.

Cersaie 2022 ingresso

Cersaie, a gateway to the future for the past 40 years

Over the course of the last four decades, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings held each year in Bologna has maintained its role as the venue chosen by companies to launch their most innovative products

Italian ceramic tiles outperform other surfaces

Architects and construction companies can choose from a wide range of surface covering solutions Ceramic tiles offer many advantages over alternative materials, first and foremost their versatility.

EU Funding for Energy Renovation of Buildings 2021-2027

Europe’s plan for improving the energy performance of buildings

Building renovation in Europe is one of the topics under discussion in Brussels with the aim of establishing an EU directive. Italian ceramic tiles, ceramic sanitaryware and structural clay products can play an important role in achieving sustainability

Closing a door… to open a gateway

Ceramica.info MAGAZINE news, the e-magazine which you are currently reading and which over the past ten years has provided a monthly round-up of the most important news and information on the Italian ceramic industry and allied sectors, will be replaced by Cer Magazine online.

The Italian ceramic industry’s “sustainable toolbox”

Following its social media launch over the summer and world debut at Cersaie 2022, the communication campaign focusing on the sustainability of the Italian ceramic industry is continuing with expanded content, more diversified tools and an even wider target audience.

Sede Centro Ceramico

Ceramic research takes centre stage

Centro Ceramico’s newly renovated headquarters in Sassuolo will be officially opened on 3 November. The premises have been extensively refurbished with large-scale use of ceramic slabs to improve the usability and aesthetics of the laboratories and other spaces.


See you at Cersaie

After a months-long wait in which we have provided detailed information on every aspect of the show, the time has finally come to throw open the gates of Cersaie 2022, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings.

One month to Cersaie 2022

With Cersaie 2022 less than a month away, preparations are in full swing for an edition of the show (the 39th) that will be “business as usual” in every respect. There will be 15 halls filled with exhibitors; non-Italian companies will make up almost 40% of the total; and the available 140,000 square metre floor space will be fully occupied.

That line tying Arabia with Cersaie

The Arabian peninsula is a rapidly changing area. From oil-focused countries to multi-sectoral economy; from nations with no relations with the world to a place crossed by travel routes of international visitors. The real estate industry is destined to increase its importance.

Ceramics: following an exceptional 2021, it is difficult to make forecasts for the current year

2021 was a very positive year for the ceramic tile, sanitaryware, tableware, refractory materials and brick and roof tile industries. All segments experienced growth, albeit at different rates, bringing the Italian ceramic industry’s total sales revenue to a record figure of €7.5 billion, more than two-thirds of which was generated by exports all over the world.

Ceresio 7/9

Large porcelain slabs and urban spaces

The increase in dimensions is opening up fresh opportunities for ceramic tiles, whose scale of intervention goes beyond that of the individual building to encompass the entire urban environment

produzione ceramica (Foto Alessandro Fiocchi Florim)

Goal number 1: produce for the market

Amid the current difficulties, the Italian ceramic tile producers have chosen to continue their production activities in order to meet the needs of the market even at the cost of a severe loss in profitability

Coverings 2022 confirms the Italian ceramic tile industry’s leadership position

The presence of more than 90 Italian companies and brands at Coverings 2022 is the perfect response to the pandemic and the objective difficulties in transportation. Particularly positive are the 2021 Italian tile exports to the United States which, with +26%, do better than average.

Italian ceramics, a sustainable material

Over the next few months, the Ceramics of Italy for Sustainability project will illustrate the distinctive characteristics of Italian ceramics and the important role these materials can play in sustainable contemporary architecture.

Facing a paradox while looking ahead to better times

The Italian ceramic tile industry finds itself in one of the most paradoxical situations in its history. On the one hand, it is flooded with orders for its products from Italy and other countries around the world; on the other, it is facing huge increases in the costs of all production factors

Cersaie marks the reopening with 63,000 visitors (including 38% from abroad)

Les chiffres du Cersaie 2021, le Salon International de la Céramique pour l’Architecture et des Ameublements pour salles de bains, qui s’est tenu à Bologne la dernière semaine de septembre confirme la centralité de cet événement dans le paysage mondial.

The entire ceramic tile and bathroom furnishing value chain is represented at Cersaie 2021

The innovative strategy of bringing together all segments of the downstream value chain at a single event has played a key role in the success of Cersaie, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings.

Cersaie 2021 returns with 600 exhibitors in 15 halls

Cersaie is making its return from 27 September to 1 October in the Bologna Exhibition Centre, where some 600 exhibitors from 26 countries will completely occupy no fewer than 15 halls.

The economic recovery opens up new areas of growth for ceramic tiles

Increased interest in home renovation and all relevant building products and materials is giving a boost to the international construction market and opening up major new areas of growth for the Italian ceramic tile industry

Italian ceramics between growth and Recovery Plan

Ceramic tile data report a strong sales recovery on all main markets in the first few months of 2021. This positive dynamic transcends the statistical bounce due to the calculation basis, and it is also accompanied by highly interesting prospects in the medium and long term.

A journey into the secrets of ceramics

In the two and a half years since they were first launched on air, the 23 videos making up the digital campaign on the values of ceramics entitled “Ceramics. A safe choice” have been viewed 14 million times on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram in markets around the world.

Cersaie 2021 Contract Hall

The Contract Hall, a new B2B and networking space at Cersaie 2021

Cersaie will be back as an in-person show from 27 September to 1 October 2021 in the Bologna Exhibition Centre, where it will occupy all the available floor space (as...

Time for a fresh start, but unlike ever before

The exceptional nature of the current situation opens up new opportunities in all sectors, including the world of architecture and construction where Italian bricks, tiles and ceramic sanitaryware play a leading role

Sales bounce back after the 2020 downturn. Countdown to Cersaie

In mid-February, the organisers of Cersaie revealed the dates for the 2021 edition of the show, confirming its customary late-September scheduling while at the same time announcing an important new feature

The recovery of the housing market depends on Next Generation EU funding

According to numerous studies of consumer behaviour conducted in Italy and abroad over the past few months, the pandemic has enhanced the perception of the places we live in, their...

Despite everything, the real estate sector is holding up

December is traditionally the time for conducting a preliminary analysis of the year that is about to end. Taking stock is always a useful exercise, but this year it is...

The ceramic promotional campaign continues

“But ceramic… is a safe choice”, the third step in the promotional campaign entitled “The Values of Ceramics”, has been on air in Italy since the end of July with...

The time to redesign spaces

The Covid-19 pandemic is transforming our world in profound ways, some of which are of great relevance to the international construction industry. And although these transformations are taking place against...

Back from SAIE, much more than a trade show

Saturday October 17th was the closing day of Saie – Riparti Italia (“Restarting Italy”) which hosted the Ceramics and Brick Area, a 200 sq m space promoted by Confindustria Ceramica to...

Combating Covid with the beauty of ceramics

The revival of the great design masters, starting with Gio Ponti, is a modern trend in which ceramic also meets the need for healthy spaces.

“But ceramic…”, the promotional campaign arrives in Europe

“But ceramic… is a safe choice” went online in Italy at the end of July and is set to launch in key European markets in September. After being introduced to...

CERSAIE prepares for 2021, with a busy schedule of meetings starting next autumn

The organisers of Cersaie have worked hard to explore the possibility of holding an international level trade fair, but they have had to recognise that the general conditions determined by...

The Italian ceramic industry resumes production

After resuming the shipment of finished products on 3 April, Italian ceramic companies are now restarting their production activities. This is an important step that allows companies to return to...

Ceramic tiles for healthy buildings and high indoor living quality

One of the most topical issues in architecture today is the need to create spaces that combine appealing aesthetics with high standards of indoor living quality and avoid sick building...

A century of Bauhaus: its legacy and the modern era

One hundred years is a highly significant number and certainly a cause for celebration. But the veritable explosion of events held to mark the centenary of the Bauhaus have far...

Cersaie 2020, the evolution of Archincont(r)act

Archincont(r)act is a highly innovative event in the world of international trade fairs and is set to see major development at Cersaie 2020 in terms of both concept and exhibition...

Ceramic materials, from colours to virtual reality

A focus on ceramic products in their countless colours and the use of virtual reality to visualise finished installations were among the most interesting trends in ceramic products and their...

Find out more about the wide world of tile installation

You can’t see it, but it’s crucially important. It’s technical in nature but has a big impact on aesthetics. It’s not a tile, but it’s closely related to tiles. Just...

Video clips exploring the many different applications of ceramics

Best known for its use on architectural surfaces and furnishings, ceramic tile is in fact a high-value material that adapts well to a wide range of applications. While the aim...

The Italian ceramic industry and the UN’s SDGs

The Earth’s future depends on shared choices that must be made by all the world’s countries without leaving anyone behind. In its 2030 Agenda, the UN has defined 17 Sustainable...

The home, the mirror of our inner selves

The home is increasingly a manifestation of lifestyle. It communicates our sense of being and feeling, a kind of declared self-realisation and a mirror onto our inner selves. It is...

Open Cersaie embraces the contract sector

Open Cersaie, the new configuration of the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, adds yet another element to the overall mosaic that will be completed at the 2020...

Awards for architectural projects carried out using Italian ceramic tiles

In just under a month the deadline will expire for submissions to Ceramics and Design, the architecture competition for the best projects carried out in Italy by Italian architects, divided...

Ceramic tile, the importance of high-quality installation

Ceramic floor and wall tiles are attractive, durable, healthy, easy to clean and maintain, resistant to frost, fire and smog, and ideal for covering large surfaces efficiently and with exceptional...

You only buy what you know

Communication, the act of providing information, therefore plays a key role in the decision-making and purchasing processes. These considerations were the starting point for the communication campaign entitled ‘The values of ceramic’.

From an individual product to a complete installation

After exploiting the potential offered by Industry 4.0 technologies, the Italian ceramic industry is now taking a further major step forward in terms of its manufacturing capability. While the function...

The outstanding value of Italian ceramic tile

Most products attain outstanding levels of performance in terms of some of their parameters but perform less well with respect to others. It is only a select few that maintain...

The ever-faster information flows in the world of ceramics

Are we heading towards a world in which ceramic manufacturing will find itself at the centre of a data cloud? If we look closely at what is happening today, this...

Manufacturing excellence takes the spotlight at Cersaie

There are very few exhibitions that can boast an attendance of more than 110,000 visitors, and almost none where international visitors make up almost 50% of the total. Cersaie is all of this and more.

Cersaie, the value of high-quality tile laying

For the first time ever, Cersaie is bringing together all the activities and companies involved in ceramic tile installation in a single space. Located in the new hall 31 A, the 2750 square metre Tiling Town will host all the institutional spaces and stands of companies operating in the world of tile laying.

The ninth star, that of Richard Rogers

Tuesday 25 September will be another memorable day for Cersaie, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings. When Richard Rogers takes the stage in the Palazzo dei Congressi to give this year’s Keynote Lecture, he will become the ninth Prizker prize laureate to take part in the Building Dwelling Thinking cultural programme.

The beauty of Cersaie 2018

True beauty is never the result of a single aspect of excellence but stems from a harmonious combination of many elegant and carefully-balanced elements. This universal principle applies not just...

In search of Freespace at the Venice Biennale

The 16th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale (26 May – 25 November 2018) is devoted to the theme of Freespace. With the aim of promoting the collective demand for architecture, Freespace centres around the concept of space that is “free” in both economic and material terms and can be experienced as a common good.

The importance of design in the use of Italian ceramic tiles

Once upon a time, there were Italian ceramic tiles with their well-known dimensional, aesthetic and technical characteristics. This was a world in which Italy enjoyed an undisputed leadership position in...

The growing importance of large-size ceramic panels and slabs

As part of an ongoing process of technological and engineering development, 2018 has seen the start-up of a number of new plants for the production of large-size ceramic panels and slabs. This new technology complements the other well-established manufacturing processes and offers fresh business potential for the Italian tile industry.

IT & Big Data for future ceramics

With all probability, 2017 will end with an absolute record of investments in technology for ceramics, driven by the launch on the market of ceramic slabs, an economic situation showing positive signs in different markets, and by the Industry 4.0 tax incentives envisaged by the Italian Government.

The importance of installation in Italy and worldwide

The idea that Italian ceramic tiles are integral to a 'coating system' - envisaged in its broadest sense of wall or floor coating, outdoor or indoor, is getting more and more consolidated everywhere.

Industrial design on display at Cersaie

Cersaie, the international exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings, is ready to open its 35th edition, where products of outstanding quality in terms of beauty, design and technology will be on display for five days.

Travelling the digital ceramic highway

The new website www.ceramica.info is an integrated information system that combines digital channels with the newly restyled Cer Magazine Italia. It serves as a hub of communication reaching out to all market players, a bridge between the Italian ceramic industry and the various parties involved in the purchasing cycle of this area of Italian excellence.

Ceramics as opportunity

The construction industry is going through a period of gradual transition in which quantity must be replaced by quality, new build by renovation and urban regeneration, and low-efficiency buildings by structures capable of producing more energy than they consume.

Bumblebees and Italian ceramics

It is the bumblebee paradox, i.e. the belief that this insect, because of its shape, should be incapable of flight; yet it does fly with no problems at all.

Italian ceramics, 360° green tiles

There is a particular feature that makes Italian ceramic industry stand out with respect to other world competitors: the stress it gives to sustainability, which, apart from being a peculiar quality to products and processes, lies at the bottom of the industry’s global business approach.