Cersaie 2020, the evolution of Archincont(r)act | by Andrea Serri

Archincont(r)act is a highly innovative event in the world of international trade fairs and is set to see major development at Cersaie 2020 in terms of both concept and exhibition space. Held in the Mall of Hall 29, the first edition of the initiative saw the participation of ten international architecture firms specialising in various areas of the contract sector, from hotels to industrial buildings, retail locations, spas, hospitals and business centres.

Ceramic materials and bathroom furnishing products already enjoy pride of place in major architecture projects in all of these fields of application, and through the contribution of these firms are able to acquire greater space and visibility. Likewise, the large real estate developers who came to this year’s Cersaie had the chance not only to talk to these professionals but also to view the latest product innovations showcased by almost 900 exhibitors from all over the world.

At Cersaie 2020, the whole of Hall 18 will become the Contract Hall, a 10,000 square metre exhibition space with at its centre the areas occupied by the architecture firms and a conference area. There will be new thematic areas devoted specifically to kitchens, systems and products for wellness, lighting, interior and exterior finishings, the wide and varied world of outdoor spaces, home automation, and IT solutions for building design and management. Thanks to these companies operating in new product sectors for Cersaie, the show will be able to offer a complete range of solutions for the contract furnishing sector. The hall will be organised according to thematic islands, which in the finest tradition of Cersaie will host world-leading industrial companies in terms of innovation, quality and reputation.


Décembre 2019