Editorials Comments

The outstanding value of Italian ceramic tile | by Andrea Serri
Most products attain outstanding levels of performance in terms of some of their parameters but perform less well with respect to others. It is only a select few that maintain the highest levels of technical performance in terms of all their characteristics. Ceramic tile, especially if Italian, belongs to this second category and delivers superior results to any other surface covering material.
Ceramic tile’s exceptional hardness makes it highly resistant to abrasion and foot traffic, a factor that directly influences its durability. As a result, it does not need to be polished and is not subject to aging due to wear. And as confirmed by the comparative life cycle analysis (LCA) conducted by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ceramic tile’s long lifetime equates with a lower environmental impact.
Resistance to fire, thermal shock and frost are further characteristics typical of ceramic tile that make it safe in any situation, unaffected by exposure to sunlight and resistant to even the lowest temperatures. This, combined with its outstanding chemical resistance, means that unlike other materials ceramic tile can be used in extreme environments such as exterior building façades subject to smog and other pollutants.
Indoor environmental quality is an aspect of sustainability that is considered increasingly important by consumers the world over. This is an area where ceramic tile really comes into its own as it offers the highest levels of inertia, healthiness and ease of cleaning, qualities that are intrinsic to the material itself and do not depend on other factors or situations.
Along with all these product characteristics, the use of cutting-edge plant and technology enables Italian ceramic tile to achieve the world’s highest levels of environmental sustainability in terms of both process and product.
November 2018