For years, the Italian ceramic industry has been adopting protocols aimed at preventing workplace accidents and injuries and collaborates with INAIL (Italian National Institute for Insurance against Workplace Accidents) and the Emilia Romagna regional government on initiatives to raise awareness among the employees of companies in the industry.

Confindustria Ceramica has introduced safety protocols as part of CerAmica, an initiative that proposes concrete measures to reduce the risks faced by industry workers.

The Italian ceramic industry and local health authorities are committed to:

identifying accident prevention measures

improving safety in factories

guaranteeing worker training

monitoring accidents and injuries.

“INFO OK” is the name of the programme provided to companies free of charge for monitoring and collecting data on occupational accidents and injuries.

The acquired information is processed and analysed to gain an understanding of the causes of accidents and injuries and to identify and introduce new technical/organisational measures for improving occupational health and safety.

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The Italian ceramic tile industry is truly unique.