
Reggio Emilia
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Минимализм и практичность в преобразовании старой авторемонтной мастерской
Принципы японской архитектуры вдохновили проект, который расширяет пространство и придает значение материалам за счет использования больших керамических плит
Сакральная геометрия
Архитектурный язык, наполненный символизмом, лежит в основе проекта студии Corvino+Multari для приходского комплекса Madonna delle Grazie. Строгие объемы подчеркивают пространство, используя выразительность керамогранита с эффектом мрамора
Что такое моя входная дверь?
Цвет является основой проекта CBArchitecs, получившего второй приз в разделе «Жилые здания» Гран-при 2019/2021
A swimming pool set in a citrus grove
A swimming pool located in the Plain of Catania seamlessly integrates with the natural landscape, becoming a point of intersection between the countryside and the built environment and offering exceptional views of nature
Полупрозрачная скульптура для научного просвещения
Крупнейший в Германии музей науки, который берлинская компания Sauerbruch Hutton расширила за счет 17600 кв. м открытых и динамичных площадей для продвижения физики и химии, биологии и астрономии, отделан итальянской керамической плиткой
Материальные повествования
В Доме NB богатая образность стилистических отсылок из прошлого переплетается с видением, которое отдает предпочтение современному измерению жизни. Этому также способствует палитра цветов и сочетание материалов изысканного минимализма, который не отказывается от выразительной многогранности таких поверхностей, как керамика
Перечитать прошлое, чтобы построить будущее
Нью-йоркская штаб-квартира самого главного международного информационного агентства является ярким примером символичной, устойчивой и функциональной архитектуры
Все цвета памяти
В Будапеште при реконструкции исторического здания школы с помощью искусного использования керамики была заново воссоздана античная душа здания. Цвет - абсолютный главный герой проекта
A building reminiscent of the sea in Malmö
Designed by architect Anders Blomqvist Carsten, the World Trade Center Propellergatan has a ventilated façade with anti-smog treatment that echoes the shimmering effect of sea waves
Sushiko, a return to Japanese origins
The porcelain floor tiles blend in with a new concept based on a modern reinterpretation of the iconic elements of Japanese design
Sustainable simplicity
The project by TAMassociati, winners of a design competition held as part of the Percorsi Diocesani initiative, adopts a clear, simple language and a socially-engaged design philosophy. Porcelain tiles from Casalgrande Padana were chosen for their quality and sustainability
Efficiency and future-oriented architecture
Ceramic tiles have helped refresh the urban identity of a power plant that has doubled its capacity while cutting emissions
A gateway to the future
As well as celebrating its close ties with the local community, the new Central Building at Hokkaido University of Science makes sophisticated use of architectural metaphors to represent a gateway to knowledge
Living in the Blu
This is the name chosen for a new residential complex in the Lambrate former industrial area of Milan. It is inspired by the bright ceramic façade tiles, which reflect the colour of the sky and project the image of a vibrant new neighbourhood
A villa for two families
Located close to the famous Jesolo Lido beach, a long and narrow black-and-white building has been divided into two halves to allow the families of two brothers to spend their holidays together while maintaining their independence
Sustainable minimalism
Geneva Villa, located in the largest city in French-speaking Switzerland and winner of a "2020 mention" in the Ceramics and Design architecture competition, demonstrates how environmental responsibility and energy efficiency can play a leading role in contemporary residential architecture and help improve its aesthetic qualities
A focus on human beings and their habitat
Interpersonal relationships and the interaction between humans and their environment were the guiding principles behind this industrial project
Ceramic as the face of science
Milan University's New IT Hub and Service Centre, designed by Isolarchitetti, was the institutional category winner of the 2020 Ceramics and Design competition
Waves upon waves
The Multiplex Aquatique Saint Gilles Croix de Vie, built in a Natura 2000 area, fits in perfectly with the surrounding landscape of salt marshes, ocean and river
Venice and roses
Amid history and nature, imagination and elegance, the Island of Roses is now home to a luxury 5-star hotel
Inclusive exclusivity
A historic shopping mall has been given a new lease of life thanks to a carefully designed renovation project that explores natural themes and a flooring system with a well-balanced combination of sizes and colours
A state-of-the-art business premises
With its flexible, appealing and multifunctional spaces, the imposing Vox Technology Park in Timisoara reflects many aspects of the city's contemporary urban and business culture
Parallel planes
A nondescript Maltese villa has been reinvented through a series of ingenious and highly functional technical and aesthetic solutions that enable it to blend in with the surrounding landscape and the beckoning sea on the horizon
Stone, marble and natural inspirations
The Florence-based practice Cipiuelle has completed the project for a 500 square metre wellness area combining aesthetics and functionality in a perfect blend of materials, colours and finishings