
Projets de RAGNO - MARAZZI GROUP S.r.l. a Socio Unico
Rooftop hospitality
The first hotel to be opened by the Falkensteiner family back in 1957, this family resort based in Casteldarne in Val Pusteria has gradually expanded to cater to families with children. The building has been completely remodelled to a design by the South Tyrolean firm NOA based on an unusual top-down approach starting with the roof
Un hommage au modernisme contemporain dans la campagne du lac de Garde
Un système de façades ventilées et une utilisation judicieuse des matériaux, tels sont les atouts de la Résidence Malcesine, entourée d’oliviers, sur la rive véronaise du lac de Garde. Le fil rouge du studio de conception était d'intégrer le plus possible le nouveau bâtiment dans le paysage, non seulement visuellement, mais également dans son contenu et dans les pratiques de durabilité adoptées
Green architecture
A new residential building in Milan uses porcelain tiles to create an envelope that combines living comfort, energy performance and a low environmental footprint
A house open to the outside world
A remodelled house located in one of Cagliari's historic neighbourhoods has been expanded with outdoor living spaces
Tailor-made holidays at the Torgglerhof Apfelhotel in Saltusio
Guests at this unconventional hotel can choose whether to stay in a room, a suite, a new garden loft, a barn, a guesthouse or the apple chalet. And they can even enjoy an apple bio sauna