The 35th Cersaie

Cersaie 2017 was attended by 111,604 visitors, 4.7% more than in 2016, with increases in both international and Italian visitors. Held in Bologna from 25 to 29 September and organised in cooperation with BolognaFiere, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings confirmed its status as the leading commercial event for the global market, complemented by a wide range of initiatives aimed at architects, interior designers, installers, the media and end consumers.

The show’s outstanding appeal combined with the positive economic situation in the various markets led to growth in numbers of both Italian visitors (+5.0% to a total of 58,422) and international attendees (+4.3% to 53,182) from almost all countries worldwide. As always, the Italian and international press was very strongly represented with a total of 922 journalists present, including 506 Italians and 416 non-Italians.


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