Wincer project, towards even more sustainable products

The Wincer Tiles research project has developed the most sustainable surface covering products on the market.

Wincer tiles contain 85% recycled materials
(infographic showing the composition of WINCER tiles)

and comply with the strictest Italian and European environmental policies.

They contribute to the circular economy for certain types of waste such as unfired tile scraps and waste glass that is not intended for use in the glass industry.

Wincer tiles have a lower environmental impact because they reduce the need to extract natural raw materials such as clay, sand, and feldspars.

In this respect, the Wincer project is aligned with Goal 9 of the UN Agenda, which seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

The adopted approach favors on-demand and just-in-time product development, which reduces waste and caters directly to customers’ needs and tastes.

Wincer tiles also safeguard workers’ health due to the low levels of free crystalline silica contained in the ceramic bodies.


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