The ceramic promotional campaign continues

But ceramic… is a safe choice”, the third step in the promotional campaign entitled “The Values of Ceramics”, has been on air in Italy since the end of July with the aim of explaining the reasons why ceramic tile is preferable to other surface covering materials in certain everyday situations. It marks the latest step towards greater awareness and appreciation of ceramic tile and its potential residential applications amongst end users.


The humorous situation of a young couple

All seven new video clips feature a young couple who encounter a variety of situations in their daily lives, both in their home and in a clothing store. The humorous scenes exaggerate everyday problems to demonstrate the advantages of ceramic tile over other floor and wall covering materials, such as resistance to scratching (in this case by the couple’s pet dog), the ability to prevent the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, and durability and resistance to cleaning products. Further important characteristic include fire resistance and the fact that ceramic does not generate toxic fumes in the event of fire, as well as its ease of recycling thanks to its uniform nature. The videos also stress the importance of high-quality installation to ensure the stability and durability of a ceramic tiled floor.



Europe-wide campaign launched in September

“But ceramic… is a safe choice” is continuing the dialogue with end consumers that began in January 2019 when the campaign entitled “The values of ceramics” was first launched. The decision to engage with end consumers was largely dictated by the fact that they are becoming increasingly aware of their choices and are keen to understand the various options available to them. More and more often, they are the ones that make the final decisions about the materials that will be used in their homes after seeking the advice of professionals such as architects, distributors and installers. To further help them make these important decisions, consumers can visit the specific landing page on this website, which provides a wealth of detailed information along with the individual videos as part of a digital marketing strategy focused on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Google Search as tools for building this direct relationship.

The launch of the campaign across Europe began in September with France, followed closely by Germany and finally the UK. In all three cases, the launch coincided with specific presentation events organised in collaboration with local distributors’ and/or installers’ associations and featured the participation of various market players. The European Ceramic Industry Association Cerame-Unie also took part in the campaign and organised special presentation meetings with the representatives of other member countries.

Engaging with a potential target audience of more than 250 million European citizens located in Germany, France, the UK and other countries where French, German or English is spoken calls for a major communication effort, for which purpose Confindustria Ceramica works alongside Italian ceramic companies and their communications, social media, marketing and sales organisations. This is a very large market that registered more than 12 million views during the first two steps of the campaign, a particularly significant number considering that an average of between 3% and 5% of the population of the various countries carry out building renovation work each year.


November 2020


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