Italian Ceramic products meet the minimum environmental criteria

The use of Italian ceramic products helps buildings and renovation projects meet the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) set by the Italian Ministry of the Environment.

These requirements are in line with the Green Public Procurement (GPP) directives adopted by the European Commission and are the tool used by the Italian public administration to manage calls for tenders for building works.

The Minimum Environmental Criteria set out all the technical specifications that must be complied with and declared in tender documents.

Italian bricks and roof tiles, ceramic tiles and ceramic sanitaryware guarantee the smallest possible ecological footprint:

  • they are produced from clay, a natural raw material
  • they are more durable than any other material
  • they are inert and free of substances that may constitute a hazard in indoor spaces,
  • they have a controlled impact in terms of energy consumption and emissions,
  • they can be easily recovered and recycled at the end of their lifetime.


They are produced using procurement and production methods that guarantee the highest standards of environmental and social sustainability and comply with the principles of the circular economy.

This is why Italian ceramic products are the ideal choice for public projects such as schools, stadiums and hospitals.


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