An ongoing commitment to reducing emissions

For decades, the Italian ceramic tile industry has been investing in production methods and technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its industrial process. Regular monitoring of emissions and air quality in the Sassuolo ceramic district shows that these efforts have led to a significant reduction in pollutant levels.


Data collection

The latest values reported in 2020 were based on samples obtained from close to 100% of factories and show that the environmental policies and technological innovations adopted have reduced particulate emissions by 20% compared to the figures from the late 1990s. 

The Italian ceramic tile industry’s average emissions level is about 90% below the level established by industry BATs (Best Available Techniques) and significantly lower than the threshold required for Ecolabel certification.

Data for individual pollutant values

Measured fluorine emissions stood at 13% of the legal limit of 0.60 g/m2 and at 40% of the ECOLABEL threshold. Lead emissions were reduced to such an extent that they can be considered insignificant in terms of their environmental impact2. Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx)3 varied, but the value measured for full-cycle ceramic surfaces produced entirely in a single factory showed a significant reduction. 

The measured emission levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are almost negligible, particularly following the adoption of regional regulations in the early 1990s introducing extremely strict limits and the obligation to constantly monitor emission levels.

The industry’s self-regulation policies

Since 2009, the Italian ceramic tile industry has intensified its efforts to protect the environment. Confindustria Ceramica, the Emilia-Romagna regional government and the local municipalities have introduced a quota-based monitoring system which determines the limit for authorised emission units2. The 2020 Environmental Analysis conducted by the Emilia-Romagna regional environmental agency Arpae revealed an improvement in air quality and demonstrated the effectiveness of the measures that have been adopted2

The Italian ceramic tile industry is unrivalled in terms of its environmental commitment.


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